Wine Time Wins First Place

My watercolor painting Wine Time wins First Place in Austin's Waterloo Watercolor Group’s 35th Annual Spring Show! This exhibit runs April 22 - June 20, 2013. You are invited to the Reception Sunday, April 29, 2013 from 2:00 - 4:00.  Please visit the Exhibits page for more information on this exhibit and location. Inspired by a photo of my son Andrew Ruth and a friend, I chose to tilt the couple even more to the left and painted in extra wine bottles and half empty wine glasses not pictured in the photo. Jurer Frank Eber wrote, "This is a strong piece which feels realistic but isn’t. (No one has green hair or hair that yellow.) It is an excellent figurative work; the people look alive. The woman leaning toward the man works well. The bottles point to them. The color repetition of the green hair and green bottle is strong and the color contrasts are good. There is lots of art here." I have so much fun painting on Yupo synthetic paper! The pigments and water mix and puddle for a very loose effect.

Wine Time
Wine Time